Monday, July 7, 2008

When blogcrushes crush

Two of my favorite blogs are Jezebel and Shakesville. Along with i09, these are the blogs I check for new posts frequently throughout the day while I should technically be working. So for some reason it was double crushy to watch Megan at Jezebel cover one of Jeff Fecke's posts from Shakesville. The two blogs have feminism in common, but Jezebel is much more pop culture oriented than Shakesville. They share a certain sensibility though, and the Jezebel comments urging Megan to ask Jeff for a date were just killing me with teh awesome. Plus, a lot of those comments were very much in the vain of, "feminist men are hot, let's go out with them," whereas I know from Jeff's past writing he gets accused by men of being a feminist only "for the pussy." He always responds in the best way, stating that he's a feminist because women deserve equal respect, not because of his personal gains, also managing to admit that he's had to struggle occasionally to recognize his own privilege, but he keeps trying because it's right, dammit. I think you just have to read his beautiful takedown referenced above to see what he's about.

Augh, both of them pissed me off occasionally during the primary season, but now that it's over I've rediscovered my love for them and this shit is just fun to watch. It feels like when you introduce two separate friends for the first time and watch unexpected sparks begin to fly. Part of you feels excited for them, part of you feels proud for introducing them (obviously not applicable), but a lot of you is happy to have witnessed what may just be history in the making. Not that I think these two will date in real life (they live in different states and all), but Jezebel could learn a lot from Shakesville, and I've been noticing Shakesville writers referencing Jezebel posts the last couple months. I feel a wholly unwarranted sense of personal connection here. Internet world is so weird like that.

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