Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The correct pronunciation of angst is totally bullshit

I have always pronounced angst as "Ayngst," - long A - not "ongst" as it is supposed to be said. I feel pretty strongly that in a better world my pronunciation would be the correct one. "Ongst" rings of ennui, or depression. "Ayngst" evokes that feeling of suppressed frustration that the word itself represents to me.

This is a rant about spelling, not pronunciation, but though I loved learning to read in elementary school, I became frustrated early on with the way we spell things in English. All the niggling rules seemed so counterintuitive (I before E except after C or when sounding Long A). I became obsessed with the idea that we could use the existing alphabet and just start spelling words phonetically, which of course made me feel like a total genius. I often find myself practicing the spelling game even today. So for the record, my pronunciation of angst spelled phonetically is eyngst. More spelling and alphabet geekery is below and probably tedious, but I haven't set up "folds" in blogger yet, so I can't hide it after a jump.

Here are some more random re-spellings:
media = miydiyu
midnight = midnoyt

I had to come up with some new letters to cover some sounds. One, representing the "sh" sound, also made the "ch" sound when prefaced by a t. Let's say that letter is represented by %, and here are examples:
shame = %eym
peach = piyt%

Another invented letter represented the "th" sound as pronounced in the word athlete. Let's use the symbol * and athlete is spelled a*liyt. Cathartic would be ku*ortik.

There's also the "th" sound as used in words like "the" and "that". Let's say that sound is represented by ^, and the word though would be spelled ^uw.

In my superior 2nd-grade invented alphabet, the letter c would no longer be necessary, you'd just always use the letter k. The letter q would also be unnecessary as you'd always spell it "kw". Example: quite would be spelled kwoyt. X was also unneeded as you would just use "ks." So c, q and x could be reclaimed to represent the different sounds shown above as %, * and ^.

I can't believe the degree to which I had this figured out at that age - no new letters even necessary! I was so much smarter before I started drinking.

OK, so I'm going to try to catch myself up by spelling a bunch of words from my horoscope today. I will use the following letters to symbolize the following sounds:
x = sh
q = th (as in thanks)
c = th (as in the)

aspiration = aspureyxun
irresponsibly = iresponsibliy
possessive = puzesiv
freedom = friydum
influence = infliwens
disquiet = diskwoyet

Some more at random:
odious = uwdiyus
tradition = trudixun
author = oqur
educated = edjywkaytud
important = impuwrtunt
correct = kuwrekt

I feel like I'm overlooking something important, and am up for any challenges (txalinjuz) in the comments. I could probably play this game all day.


notrightnow said...

The problem with English is that it has too many diphthongs. A word I love. Also, did you know that they are building a museum of the English Language in England? I think you should be a curator for that museum. If you need a reference let me know-those gits love me.

That One Albino Chick said...

I had to look up diphthongs! I still remembered how to pronounce it, just not what it meant. I feel like the spelling arrangement covers the diphthong issue, but not perfectly. I'm OK with that, though.

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