Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Moved to Blogger

So I've just moved to Blogger from Wordpress. Here's the link to the old blog, which I want to state up-front is totally lame.

I thought about transferring the old posts here, but there's so little to the blog anyway that I don't think I care enough for it to be worth it.

After I started that blog, a friend started another blog that she invited me to post on, so now I've gotten used to how Blogger works, which I like. I'm going to try to do some actual blogging. I have no idea why I feel the need to announce some sort of intention here, but apparently I do.

I intend to blog, everybody.


notrightnow said...

it's so green.

green is hot.

I'm excited to read your blog! yay for blogging.

My only problem with it is that it keeps me from doing my homework. argh.

who cares anyway, it's all p/f this quarter anyway.

speaking of which are you coming to my grad party too?

notrightnow said...

also, even though I should totally be doing school stuff I just went over to you older blog and read it.

I love your blog. You mentioned in it about traffic. The reason I like blogger is because it is associated with google, so (depending on what you set your preferences at) you will be placed in the search engines, thereby bringing in more people. You can always set your preferences so that this doesn't happen, but hey I blog for the attention yo.

I'm looking forward to more of your posts. I love that amelia is the overlord, she totally looks it too.

I also love all the stuff on food that you put in there. It's fun. I should do that more with mine. I just post pix of meryl streep and drag queens.

notrightnow said...

we can has moor posts?

That One Albino Chick said...

Hee! I've been busy this week and was SHOCKED to find actual! comments! on my blog when I finally went back to look at it. Thanks, yo.

I will try to do more of the blogging. Def need more customization, though. Glad you're pass/fail this quarter, I had not realized that. Soon you'll be done, and will just have to worry about the temptation to blog from whatever job you end up with when you should, well, be working. I haven't had much temptation to blog from work, but reading the internets / other people's blogs is a constant temptation I have not been very good about denying lately.

That One Albino Chick said...

OMG Sublime Lazy, if you by chance look back here, I just realized that the first ever post I wrote (on the old blog) was when you were here visiting unexpectedly. We'd been hanging out, it was really late and we were drunk, sitting on the couch downstairs, and I was like "OK, I really just got to do this now, sorry. I'll be thirty in a couple days - there's NO TIME TO WASTE."

notrightnow said...

yeah I totally read that, and knew it was that night. Awesome. Now we can sit at either end of the couch with our lap tops and blog. weird. hey don't bogart the pabst, pass some over to me... geez!